As we embark on a new year starting today, it’s fun to look back on what we accomplished over the last year. In this case, I want to reflect on my reading in 2020 and see how many books I got through and what kind I gravitated to the most.

Here’s the books I read in 2020 (smiley face=good, heart=great):

  1. Little Men by Louisa May Alcott 🙂
  2. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë ♥
  3. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline 🙂
  4. The Pale-Faced Lie by David Crow ♥
  5. Middlemarch by George Eliot 🙂
  6. The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel 🙂
  7. The Green Mile by Stephen King ♥
  8. The Shining by Stephen King ♥
  9. Gay Conversations with God by James Alexander Langteaux ♥
  10. Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence 🙂
  11. The Dressmaker of Khair Khana by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon ♥
  12. Female Chauvinist Pigs by Ariel Levy 🙂
  13. What This Cruel War Was Over by Chandra Manning ♥
  14. So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo 🙂
  15. Precious by Sapphire 🙂
  16. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck ♥
  17. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas ♥
  18. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (started in 2019, finished in 2020) ♥
  19. America’s Original Sin by Jim Wallis ♥
  20. Practicing Resurrection by Janet Wolf 🙂

DNF (Did Not Finish): Sick Girl Speaks! by Tiffany Christiansen (lost interest b/c she mostly talks about navigating doctors and hospital visits–can’t relate at this point in time–may revisit someday), Third World America by Ariana Huffington (informative, but b/c it’s ten years old, info needs updating), 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson (unbearably tedious)

Current Reads (end of 2020, going into 2021): Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko, A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Your perspective on the size of my list will vary depending on your own reading habits; those who don’t read often may be impressed, while fellow Bookstagrammers might wince with judgement. Considering the (mostly, though not totally, self-imposed) responsibilities I juggle–editing worship and Sunday School videos weekly, writing/reading blog posts, Bible study and prayer, writing/recording/editing my own videos, reading books, writing SS lessons, making the UMW newsletter, my job with the newspaper, exercising, not to mention time spent with my fiance or relaxing/having fun–I think it’s pretty commendable!

But these Bookstagrammers and real life serial readers don’t play around. It amazes me that some people can read 5-10 books a month. How?! Do y’all even eat or sleep?! Ah, well. I squeeze in my books around the rest of my life.

This year, I read several books on current social issues, like the phenomenon of women objectifying themselves (Female Chauvinist Pigs) and racial justice (America’s Original Sin). What This Cruel War Was Over was my only historical book; it delved into the American Civil War. 2020 was the year I was first exposed to Stephen King through The Green Mile and The Shining, and perhaps needless to say, I’m hooked. I read several classics this year because I’ll always be an English major at heart, but I branched out and read a few modern fiction novels, too.

As far as Bible reading, I got through all the major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) and most of the minor ones in the OT. I think 2021 is the year I can start over again at Genesis! Yay! IDK how people read the entire thing in one year; it’s taken me about three years to wade through the OT. Since the NT is so short, I just lap it repeatedly.

I don’t particularly have any 2021 reading goals except to keep knocking out unread books on my shelves. It would be nice to squeeze in a Shakespeare play and read more historical books and Stephen King novels.

Did you read any books in 2020, or down you plan to in 2021? Let me know in the comments, and thanks for reading!

21 responses to “Books I Read in 2020”

  1. Your list is impressive! Great 2020 accomplishment👏🏻. I’ve been considering reading Jordan Peterson’s book but you squashed that idea!😄Thanks for the heads-up!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Mama Duck! The book is a bait-and-switch (poses as a self-help book but is really a philosophical, rambling mess) so I don’t recommend it…lol!


  2. I need to read more in 2021 since I didn’t follow that resolution in 2020. May borrow from your list to help me get started

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome! I feel like you would appreciate Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath” b/c it’s engaging, deep, set in the midwest, and involves American history.

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  3. After years of practically a reading fast, I picked up several in 2020. The problem is that I didn’t finish a single one. The one that I found most helpful (and I look forward to reading the rest) is “Wounded by God’s People” by Anne Graham Lotz. Anyone who has been hurt in church or by another believer should read it. It looks like I should add some of your list to mine for 2021. Have a blessed year, Lily! Thanks for shining some light through your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Matthew. That book title sounds really intriguing!

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  4. Wow!!! I’m impressed by your list of books you’ve read!!! I take forever reading and can usually only tackle two or three a year but I do always get in daily Bible reading so there’s that!!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Alicia!! Daily Bible reading is impressive enough on its own…and vital! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is very true!!❤️


  5. Great list. I’m getting ready to post a list of my own … I like how you rated them with a smiley face or heart … hope you don’t mind if I borrow that idea. As a language arts teacher for over 20 years, I love the classics that you included; some of those are hard to tackle, so good job! Little Men has always been a favorite of mine and is on my list of re-reads.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Shelly. I’ll have to check your blog and see your list. Alcott’s “Little Women” series is so heart-warming. I can’t wait to read “Jo’s Boys.”


  6. Nice list! 😀 I read 30 last year, mostly children’s books. Your books are longer books, I’m super impressed! 🙂

    The Goodreads goal is 52 for this year. 🙂 But a lot of the books I plan to go over are childhood favorites and some I got as a kid and apparently never read, so they are short and I’m sure I can do more than one in a week. 😅 I plan to sprinkle in some longer books like Little Women, Little Men, the Mitford Series, and the Wingfeather Saga too though.

    Also tried to read the Bible in a year and failed. 😅 I made it from Genesis to 1st Samuel. Hoping I can read the bible in two years instead. 🙂 I also don’t know how people do it in one year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 52 in a year is a big goal! But it’ll be easier with some kids books mixed in. 🙂 Your timeline for reading the OT sounds about like mine, haha! No clue how people read the whole thing in a year.

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      1. It is! 🙂 I wanted to aim a bit higher this year to see if I could do it. 🙂 I have quite a few Babysitters Club books I want to read through and those won’t take long, so maybe I can. 😀

        It’s encouraging to know I’m not the only one when it comes to not finishing the Bible in a year. 🙂


  7. I generally post about most of the books I read, so I won’t dive them here. I am VERY impressed with your list and think you’ve done a healthy bit of reading over the last year. I, on the other hand, have not. And was just commenting to someone that, were it not for audiobooks, I wouldn’t get much reading done at all these days. But audiobooks count, dangit, and I am not ashamed if that’s the only reading I have time or inclination to attempt most days right now.

    I must recommend to you, as a Stephen King fan, to read 11/22/63 – a time-travel thriller about a man trying to stop the assassination of JFK. It is my favorite of King’s novels that I’ve read, and I’ve read quite a few.

    If you love Stephen King, you should also read some Dean Koontz if you never have. I would highly recommend starting with Lightning. It was the first of his that I ever read (recommended by perhaps my most bookish friend) and I immediately became a fan for life.

    So many books, so little time. But yes, we must squeeze them in around our lives and are all the better for doing so.

    Happy New Year, Lily!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, I am adding both your suggestions to my wish list! And audiobooks for sure count! You are still absorbing all the info–just in a different format. 🙂 I’ll have to jump over to your blog and see if you posted about the books you’ve read lately yet. Happy New Year, Allison! ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Super impressive amount of books you went through!! Especially with a busy schedule like you have. I like to plan out the books I want to read for the year ahead, which I already did at the start of this year! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! You should include your list in a post. 🙂

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  9. Those are some great books! I love Craig Groeschel and his books. I just bought his latest book, “Winning the War in Your Mind” “The Christian Atheist” is one of my favorites.

    I LOVED The Hate U Give! Great book!

    I have not read anything by Stephen King. I keep meaning to (I work at a bookstore, you’d think I would.) LOL. Oh well, hopefully this year I can read one of his books.

    I’m actually rereading a series by Kiera Cass called “The Selection” I love it. It’s like Hunger Games meets The Bachelorette. LOL

    My goal is to read 75 books this year. It can be done, I know because I read 100 books a few years ago.


  10. I love these posts! Thanks for sharing about books you’ve read in a nutshell! I think people who read a vast amount of books in a year use one or two methods. One method is to listen to audiobooks (which I tried and is not for me). The other way to accumulate many books per year is to “cheat.” By this I mean read children’s books and quick, light reads such as Matilda by Roald Dahl, Dr. Seuss books, and celebrity books such as Betty White, Mathew Mcconaughey, and so forth. And, as for a Shakespeare play recommendation (as cheesy as it sounds) I did enjoy Romeo and Juliet. I read this in 9th grade, and the book I read had the older version on one side and a more modern version on the other side which I enjoyed.


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